Peer Review

Articles submitted to the Editorial Board of Journal of Sisfotek Global wil be reviewed by the Deputy Chairperson of the Editorial Board to be adjusted to the scope (focus & scope) of Journal of Sisfotek Global scanned by TurnItIn to ensure that there is no element of plagiarism, or does not exceed 25%.

After the article is in accordance with the scope of the journal and the element of plagiarism is not more than 25%, the Vice Chairperson assigns a reviewer according to the field of science discussed in the article by Double Blind Peer Review. Double Blind Peer Review is a peer review method for a scientific work to be published in a scientific periodical, in which the identity of the reviewer and author is hidden, so that the reviewer does not know whose article is being studied and the author also does not who is reviewing the article. This method is used to maintain the objectivity of the results of the study.

Each article will be reviewed by two reviewers.